Summer Newsletter

The End of a Big Year at Lyttleton

It’s been a big year for Lyttleton Stores… There’s been hardship, massive changes, new friends and community, and a huge amount of growth. Not to mention that Lyttleton turned eight this December!

There is so much to look back on from the last 6 months! And to look forward to as we wrap up the year. This Summer Newsletter is our chance to share it all with you. We also love taking this chance to explore the fabric of Lyttleton, the people, place and heart. Please enjoy.

Lyttleton’s Big Weekend!

Saturday 16, 10 am to 2 pm: Garden Thread Fair
Saturday 16
, 6 pm to 9 pm: Craft Circle
Sunday 17
, 11 am to 4 pm:
End of Year Celebration (& 8th Birthday Party!)

Lyttleton's End of Year Celebration (& 8th Birthday Party!)

Book Your Ticket!

On Sunday 17 December from 11 am to 4 pm, we’ll be hosting a celebration of resilience and community in the Lyttleton Gardens - An End of Year Celebration & 8th Birthday Party!

This will be a Pot-Luck Event, bring your favourite dish made with Lyttleton produce to share. Enjoy a drink, music and community activities. Have a slice of birthday cake!

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7 Exciting Ideas for Summer Produce

By Chloe Grabham

There is something special that distinguishes summer produce from the other seasons. It’s a sensory delight from the sweetness of that first bite into a fuzzy peach, the instant cooling relief from a juicy slice of melon and the magic perfume of tomatoes and basil growing harmonious in earth soaked by a summer afternoon storm…

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Hannah Moloney at Lyttleton!

Lyttleton Stores played host to a most exciting guest this November… none other than Hannah Moloney! Hailing from Tasmania, Hannah is an enthusiastic and talented gardener, teacher, designer and gem of a woman, who is passionate about sharing her love for permaculture and living sustainably with a wide international community. Perhaps best known as a presenter on Gardening Australia, she is also a writer, and she chose Lyttleton Stores to host the launch of her second book “Good Life Growing: How to grow fruit and veg anywhere in Australia⤻” …

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Farmers Fireside Chat

In August 2023 Lyttleton Stores hosted a Farmers Fireside Chat, where the topic of discussion was the future of food growing in the Blue Mountains. This was the second event in our “Meet the Farmers” series - a collaboration with the Blue Mountains Food Co-op⤻ to support and raise awareness of our amazing local farmers…

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Sydney Craft Week

Lyttleton Stores was thrilled to be able to take part in #SydneyCraftWeek2023! We were one of over 60 venues who contributed to this year's program, and we were particularly proud to be able to represent the Blue Mountains as part of the Greater Sydney Region...

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Garden Fairs - Thread Fair & More

Saturday 16 December, 10 am to 2 pm

Book Your Stall!

We’ve been hard at work in our Community Garden, restoring it after the difficulties of the last few years and opening it to our Community on a daily basis (the perfect place to enjoy a coffee and house-cooked food!). As this process moves along, we’re able to begin using the space to its fullest, and as such, are pleased to announce a new program of Garden Fairs

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Creative Community Events

At Lyttleton Stores we believe in the importance of community, and of encouraging creative self-expression. And to this end, we are so pleased to be able to offer a range of Creative Community Events. These events are facilitated on a volunteer basis and run either free of charge or at a minimal cost. They aim to bring people together, promote inclusiveness, support community, and of course provide participants with an all important creative outlet! …

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RoseyRavelston's New Home!

By the RoseyRaveston Team!

We've had a wonderful few months in our shared space. Being somewhere that shares our values of community, sustainability and kindness is really important to us. The new coffee machine is great too!

Thanks to everyone who has come to say hello, and those that have travelled with us from our previous space in Hazelbrook…

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Lyttleton Cottage

… Meanwhile, the charming once-residential cottage tucked behind Lyttleton Stores has been brought fully into the fold. Under the initiative of RoseyRavelson the Cottage has been converted to a multi-use space, providing a Co-working Space⤻ where businesses and individuals can rent a desk and take advantage of the amenities, as well as room for Lyttleton to host workshops and events. This space is also available to hire⤻, with all profits being split between Lyttleton Stores and RoseyRavelston Books.

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Meet the Producer - Alex Felix (Earthrising Mushrooms)

Earthrising Mushrooms⤻ is a low-tech mushroom farm based in the Blue Mountains, focusing on producing gourmet and medicinal mushrooms for the local community

They also develops growing kits, and run workshops to educate more people to grow their own mushrooms at home and join the mushroom revolution! And their mushrooms are now available in Lyttleton Stores!…

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Meet the Maker - Rachel Dengate

Rachel is the creator of Dengate Leather⤻. Based in the heart of Darug country, she has a keen eye for detail and a commitment to quality, authenticity, and innovation. From intricately crafted accessories to reimagined furniture, each piece is carefully designed and meticulously handcrafted to reflect both her artistic vision and the timeless allure of leather…

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Meet the Tutor - Francie Goudie

Francie is our Workshop and Marketing Coordinator (…okay, I admit it, I’m interviewing myself!), and I also teach spinning as part of our Creative Community Events. I just love sharing my passion for creativity! …

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Meet the Volunteer - Joanna Tovia

Today, we’re meeting Lyttleton volunteer Joanna Tovia, who does an amazing job helping out all around Lyttleton, and particularly in our kitchen, with prepping, cooking and cleaning…

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Meet the Garden Shed!

By Erst Carmichael

Exciting news - the Lyttleton Co-op garden shed is nearly finished, though there’s still work to do! So many amazing volunteer hours have gone into this project (funded via a state government CBP grant) and now the willow cedar shed is almost ready for not only storing tools but a space that can be used for gardening workshops, and more…

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