Creative Community Events


At Lyttleton Stores we believe in the importance of community, and of encouraging creative self-expression. And to this end, we are so pleased to be able to offer a range of Creative Community Events. These events are facilitated on a volunteer basis and run either free of charge or at a minimal cost. They aim to bring people together, promote inclusiveness, support community, and of course provide participants with an all important creative outlet!


The idea for Creative Community Events began with our first Craft Circle, held as part of Sydney Craft Week in October. This informal social event is a place for crafters to come together, bring a project, and craft in company. It has quickly become a monthly event. 

Craft Circle was soon joined by On the Mend - Mending Circle, generously facilitated by  Lauren Gero of To the Trees⤻. Lauren is a professional illustrator, and a long running and much beloved tutor at Lyttleton. She has a passion for mending - extending the life of our clothes, getting the most out of our valuable reasonours, and finding creative and artistic ways to solve our problems. Lauren has volunteered to host the Mending Circle once a month, bringing not only her expertise and enthusiasm, but also her personal library of books on mending. As we come together to mend, this will become a space for the community to share materials, learning resources and problem solve together. 

Moving forward we have great plans for our Creative Community Events! Including many more creative events facilitated by the talented Artists and Craftspeople of the Mountains, as well as providing spaces to build communities with focuses on specific crafts…


Starting next is Spin Together - Spinning Social, a laidback social event, open to any and all spinners, which will take place on Saturday 27 January, 12 am to 3 pm. The social event will be accompanied by an Introduction to Spinning Mini-workshop, starting at 10 am on the same day!

You can keep an eye on what’s happening in our Creative Community Program here, where you can also sign up to our mailing list and stay up to date. And please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Francie at if you would like to find out more or get involved!

Francie Goudie